Here at Kiddies Cove, we ensure that we plan the learning and development around each individual child, as every child learns and grows differently.

We work in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which sets the standards of learning, development and care for your child from birth to five years.

The Themes

There are four themes of the EYFS that underpin all of the guidance:

Characteristics of effective learning

Key elements of the EYFS are the characteristics of effective learning. They detail the ways in which children should be learning from their environment, experiences and activities. Children up to the age of five should all be displaying the characteristics of learning every day. They include:


Active learning


Creativity and thinking critically

The seven areas of learning

Learning and development is one of the key areas of the EYFS. Learning and development shape the activities and experiences we provide for the children everyday and covers 7 key areas of learning, these are:

Prime areas

Personal, social and emotional development

Communication and language development

Physical development

Specific areas



Understanding of the world

Expressive art and design

More information about the EYFS can be found at