Opening Hours and Session

We are open 7:30am – 6:30pm for 51 weeks of the year, excluding bank holidays.
We offer a range of flexible sessions, including morning and afternoon sessions and full day sessions.

Registration Fee

We do not charge to be on our waiting list and you can put your child’s name down as early as you like. We do recommend being on a waiting list well in advance as spaces can fill very quickly and we look in advance for the following terms. Once your child has been offered a space and you have decided to accept we ask for a non-refundable registration fee of £125. This secures your place until your start date and includes settle in sessions that your child will have prior to starting.

Session Daily Weekly Monthly
1 Day £78 £78 £331.50
2 Days £78 £156 £663
3 Days £77 £231 £981.75
4 Days £77 £308 £1309
5 Days £76 £380 £1615
Morning/Afternoon £42 £42 £178.50
Morning Session (8:30am – 1:00pm)
Afternoon Session (1:30pm – 6:00pm)

Early Education Funding

All Children from the beginning of the term after their third birthday are entitled to up to 15 free hours universal funding. Some children are also entitled to a further 15 hours Extended funding if you meet the government eligibility criteria, meaning that you would be entitled to up to 30 hours funding. The Government Funding of 15 hours or 30 hours Early Education per week is for 38 weeks of the year, not the full 51 and excludes the cost of meals and other additional costs. Fees will be charged for the additional hours, meals and other additional costs.